The Lagotto Romagnolo
A working dog with a plush face
Statutes of the Lagotto Romagnolo breed
The standard (FCI Standard 298) serves to promote the pure breeding of the “Lagotto Romagnolo” dog breed. It is based on the currently valid standard of the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI).
Founded in 1909, it is the umbrella organization of around 100 Austrian dog associations with around 500 affiliated clubs that deal with sport, keeping, education, exhibition, training, testing and breeding of dogs.
The standard can be viewed on the homepage of the Lagotto Romagnolo Club Austria, a member of the Austrian Kennel Club ÖKV. Link
Exhibitions at home and abroad
Exhibitions are a way of checking compliance with the statutes for breeding. The checks are carried out by performance judges who have been trained and tested for the respective breed.
These shows are used to compare dogs and to bring together breeders and interested buyers. The judge issues a report for each dog. This allows the breeder to see his dog from a distance and through the eyes of someone else who is trained in the breed.
The family tree
Die Abstammung des Hundes ist von größter Wichtigkeit. Heutzutage werden viele Gesundheitstests für die verschiedenen Hunderassen bereits von den Zuchtvereinen vorgeschrieben. Im Pedigree werden Championate und Gesundheitstest seitlich angegeben. Mit einem Stammbaum ist es möglich, die Elterntiere herauszulesen, damit ist es für Züchter möglich Inzucht und Krankheiten zu vermeiden und andere Linien in die Blutlinie einzukreuzen.