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Lagotto Passion Bienaimée Aphrodite

Didi was born to us on March 10, 2023.

She is a real whirlwind and loves to cover a large area outdoors. But she is also wonderfully responsive and very obedient!

She loves her stuffed animals and her swing and is also very mischievous.

Aphrodite, like Belana, has the rough coat character of the working line and the

extremely good nose!

She walks very delicately and femininely and wants to be there and take part everywhere.

She will be used for breeding with us if everything works out.

Your data and pedigree are stored here

Belana descends from:

Father IT JCH, Ripr .Sel Principe (breeder Antonio Pagliaroli)

Mother SLO-CH, A-CH, Ripr. Sel. Gea (Breeder Antonio Poggiali, Owner Avelyn, Gilles Pugibet)


JE: free


Furnishing: F/F

Complete scissor bite

43cm high

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